Saturday, April 18, 2020

New tips on dating kenyan women

There's nothing more entertaining than watching people squirm their way through a date with someone they've just met.

But when it comes to your OWN first date, it's not so funny.

With nerves against you and self-consciousness setting in, it can be difficult to know how to act.

Luckily for you, we've got matchmaker and relationship expert Caroline Brealey to give us all some advice.

Take a look at her top tips for first dates below.

Before the date

1. Get excited but don’t get carried away

Set your expectations too high and you’re going to be really disappointed if Bradley Cooper / Jennifer Aniston don’t rock up! Keep your expectations in check and be realistic.

2. Put it into perspective

Putting into perspective what a first date is can help reduce anxiety, stress and the temptation to back out last minute!

A first date is about

Investing your time and emotions to fully be present on the date

•             Getting to know about your date's life, what they enjoy doing and what makes them tick

•             Listening to them and contributing to the conversation

•             Seeing whether you can laugh together, make one another smile and whether you feel excited to see them again

3. Have a reality check

A first date is simply a chance to meet someone new, face to face, to see whether you get on. That’s it.

You might get on with them, you might not, but you can at the very least have an interesting chat with them if it’s the latter

The reality is you’re unlikely to hit it off with everyone; you’ll like some a lot more than others and some a heck of a lot less.

It’s a bit like being at work – you can get on with most people but there are some people who can brighten even the gloomiest of Monday mornings.

4. Make an effort to look great

Look great and you’ll feel great. Wear something you would naturally wear and that makes you feel good.

A date is worth the effort to put that extra time in to looking your best.

5. Put thought into the date venue

The local pub? Boring! Put some thought into planning a date where you’ll both have a great time.

Doing something fun together helps bring out your body language which is so important for forming relationships and bonding.

Do something that gets you both moving or that takes the pressure off you both – a comedy club and drinks, a whisky tasting class, mini golf. Whatever it is you do, have some fun.

On the date

6. Smile

It may sound like common sense but if you’re feeling a bit nervous, you can forget to smile.

Not only does smiling project confidence but it also raises energy levels, which is exactly what you need plenty of on a first date.

7. Keep it positive

Exes, a bad day in the office or family problems – keep it to yourself if you want a second date!

8. Remember conversation is a two-way street

Ask plenty of questions and be sure to listen to the answers.

Nerves can sometimes get the better of us. If you know you’re likely to be shy on the date, think ahead to questions you might ask.

If the nerves get you chatting nonstop, remember to take a breath and let your date talk. Let the conversation flow.

9. Don’t expect fireworks

If they happen, great, but don’t go into a date expecting there to be instantaneous chemistry.

Love and attraction often develops at a slow pace and over time. Don’t rule out someone because you didn’t feel a spark straight away, give things a chance to develop.

10. Make eye contact

Not only does eye contact create a bond between yourself and your date but it also shows you are giving them your full attention.

11. Relax and stop with the analysis

Don’t spend the date mentally ticking off your dating checklist. Be present, enjoy their company, loosen up and have fun.

After the date

12. Forget the three-day rule

You hit it off? Great, time to get another date in the dairy. Forget about the ‘three day rule’ and drop your date a line the next day to get something sorted.

13. Say Thank You

Even if you don’t plan on seeing one again its respectful to thank them for the date and wish them luck on their search.

If we were all that little bit more respectful and kind with one another, dating would be so much easier



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